Hello friends, here I am again addressing you all with a new opportunity in which all of you can showcase your talent. You all must be bored with your normal routine or going college and following the curriculum there. So here we, UPTU KHABAR TEAM is offering a wonderful opportunity for all the UPTU Students who want to do some exciting work and who want to change their monotonous schedule.
“I want to do something big”….
“I want to be different from others”….
“I want to lead the group”
“I want to organize events and represent my college”.
“I want that everyone should that I have all the capabilities to be a leader”.
“I want to have an experience of working in a team”.
If all these above lines come to your mind, then this is for you. UPTU KHABAR has organized a COLLEGE AMBASSADOR PROGRAM for all that students who want to do something extraordinary, but don’t get the chance.
A College Ambassador will be the representative of Uptu Khabar Team for the respective colleges. He/she will be a part of the team working together, organizing various events like fests, workshops, seminars etc. College Ambassadors will be provided with number of opportunities to work with some talented people which will help them to enhance their personalities too, so that they can also come out as flying colours.
Being a college ambassador there will be number of benefits provided to them like..
- They will have the power to stand against any injustice on behalf of students in their college.
- Free goodies/ Parties to all the ambassadors from time to time.
- All the college Ambassador will get a Visiting card/Designation card signifying their privilege.
And the benefits doesn’t end here, there are many more.
All the students who want to be a part of UPTU Khabar Team and want to have all the benefits have to fill the application form. As filling the application is must as it is the first step to be College Ambassador. The opportunities never come all the time. So grab this golden opportunity and see the change in yourself and have an experience too. All UPTU Students can apply for the College Ambassador. Be the first……
If you have any query or suggestions regarding the post or anything else you can drop a comment below we will reply to you at the earliest.