Hello friends, there is news for all the AKTU/UPTU students, now you all decide it is bad news or good. The news is regarding even semester examination 2015-2016. The AKTU has released the even semester 2015-16 examination datesheet. Yet the results for odd semester is not declared. So all of you must start preparing for the exams. The exams are starting from 13 May, 2016 and will end on 06 June, 2016. The links are given below for the schedule of exams for different courses.
AKTU/UPTU Even Semester Examination Datesheet 2015-2016
The schedule for the even semester 2015-2016 is declared and below are the links. So make sure you check your datesheet and start preparing for the exams. The exam dates is tentative and may get changed in future. You can download the schedule by clicking on the link.
B.Tech Even Semester Exam Datesheet 2015-2016
To get all the details for the B.Tech exam for all the courses, click on the given link : CLICK HERE
B.Arch Even Semester Examinatiom Datesheet 2015-2016
The schedule for carry over exams is also provided in the given link.
To get the details of even semester datesheet of B.Arch course click on the link: CLICK HERE
The examination for both the courses B.Tech as well as B.Arch starts from 13 May, 2016 and will end on 06 June, 2016. If there will be any changes in the datesheet of even semester exams, we will update you soon. So keep in touch with the website. If you have any query regarding the post or anything else leave a comment below, we will reply to you at the earliest.
When will the carry over forms be available for the coming even semester ?