“It’s not what happens that matters but how you react to it that matters”
“It’s not about the situation or the circumstance; it’s about you in it”
The above sayings refer to how we deal or manage to react to a situation. Our perception brings an understanding of importance of things. It’s our perspective only which can help us to see good or bad in any situation. There are always two sides of each story. Everything depends on which side of the story we want to believe in. But whenever we choose to look at a big picture, we get a perspective to solve a situation that looks impossible. Albert Einstein said, “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”.
A problem only becomes a problem when you believe it to be so. We often have heard that “ Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder”– this is one of the best example of perspective. We have to remember that everything we see is a perspective not a truth, and to get to the truth we need to broaden our perspective. It’s same as the glass half empty or half full story.
Some of us have the habit of reacting negatively, of finding the bad, rather than finding the lesson or finding the good. Most of the people just think that “why does this always happen to me”. Rather than this one should always be ready for what life serves to them. And your perception and how you react to it changes everything. In life attitude is everything, it is what shapes our beliefs and our desires. Harsh times will occur throughout our lives, but it is up to us how we interpret them.
You always have a choice of how you are going to respond to what the world offers you. Do not let something dictate the way you react to things. You need to look within yourself and realize that you have the power to make things happen. If you have any query or suggestion regarding the post or anything else you can leave a comment in below section. We will reply to you at the earliest.
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