We are getting a lot of queries regarding what is the latest UPTU Grace marks Rule . Well, we are going to solve the same query in this post.
According to UPTU, You can get 10 marks grace in an academic year as per the shortage of marks in the subject.
What does this mean ? This means that you can get total relaxation of 10 marks if you have got backs.
Example: If you have got two backs and your in short of 3 marks in 1 subject and 2 marks in other subject. Then you will be alotted 3 and 2 marks respectively in both the subject and your backs will be cleared.
FAQ’s for UPTU Grace marks Rule
1. I have got backs in more than 1 subject. Does this rule still apply ?
Yes it still applies for more than 1 backs. Maximum 4 backs will be covered under this rule
2. I have got backs in 5 marks exam. Will I be getting grace marks in this case ?
Yes, even if you have got back in 50 marks exam and it comes in grace marks criteria, you will surely be awarded grace marks.
3. What is the maximum grace marks I can get in any subject ?
You can get maximum of 3 marks in any subject.
We hope your queries are cleared now. In case you may have more queries, feel free to comment below. We shall try to reply you at the earliest.
Team – UPTU Khabar.
Ankit Sharma is the creator of UPTU Khabar, which was founded long back in 2011. He has recently co-founded a new venture called Editsoft Digital and UPTU Khabar has been moved under the banner of Editsoft Digital.
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is there aany chance of special fr ex studnts
If all my externals are clear..will i get dis grace in internal..
32 external..26 internal..
30 external..27 internal..
my situation is same as ur example..
Will the grace marks be reflected /marked in the final marksheet?
sir meri 2 subjet me back hai kya aap btyege 2 sub. me 5-5 mark mil skte hai
sir I’ve got 25 in external out of 100 and 26 in internal out of 50. will i get any grace?? i have only this subject back in the year and the rest of the subjects are cleared.
please tell me if i have two back papers in one subject by 9 marks and another subject by 6 marks and appears in both carryover papers
please tell me if i have two back papers in one subject by 9 marks and another subject by 6 marks and appears in both carryover papers. after result marks of one subject is updated but another subject marks is not updated and result status shows pwg .what should we do for mark updation ?
i need only 10 marks grace in 1 subject… will i get. no ther backs , no internal backs.
Can I get grace of 8 marks in one subject?
Sir, i m pass out student and having back in 1st semester of physics obtaining marks 4 out of 50. Sir would I get grace marks for only one subject. Sir plz reply.
I got 7 marks in physcs out of 50… N passng marks is 15…. will I get grace ??? Plz tell me….
If you will be given grace marks by university it will be shown in your result. And the results are again updated so check it once again