UPTU has released a circular regarding revised examination center list for odd semester 2014. Datesheet for the Odd sem exam 2014 has also been released and revised several times. Now it is the exam center list. You can download the exam center list here :
UPTU Odd sem exam center list 2014
We will update more information about UPTU Examinations like final odd sem exam schedule and admit card details. Till then stay tuned !!
Team – UPTU Khabar
Ankit Sharma is the creator of UPTU Khabar, which was founded long back in 2011. He has recently co-founded a new venture called Editsoft Digital and UPTU Khabar has been moved under the banner of Editsoft Digital.
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semester exams ke pattern change ho gye hain, if u have any idiea related to mechanics paper please contact me at my id bestaryan073@gmail.com and my fb id is same.
i am 1st yr mechanical student Name :-anup kumar