UPTU Odd sem Carryover Exam forms 2014-15
This is to notify all the students from UPTU (Uttar Pradesh Technical University) that university has released the official circular regarding the Carryover examination forms for 2014-15. All those students who had backs in odd semester must fill their forms.
How to fill odd sem carryover forms ?
University has made it simple. All the colleges are provided college login. You just need to contact your college, submit the fees there and they will fill your carryover exam forms on your behalf through college login.
Official Circular : UPTU Official circular
Note that the last date of carryover exam form submission is 10th November 2014. Forms beyond this date will not be accepted.
If you have any other question, let us know, we will help you.
Team – UPTU Khabar
Ankit Sharma is the creator of UPTU Khabar, which was founded long back in 2011. He has recently co-founded a new venture called Editsoft Digital and UPTU Khabar has been moved under the banner of Editsoft Digital.
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What is the fee of carryover form
Sir, how can I fill the form while b.tech special carry over exam rresult 2014 not announced , which was held in october?
If the special carry over exam result is still pending then how can it is possible to fill the form.
hey.! will u guys please tell me about carry over examination fee, i mean what is the fee of a subject for carryover exam?. is old charges are increased???