Difficulties, the most needed thing in life. If man goes without facing any difficulties then probability of advancing himself is very low, as difficulties helps us to develop the inmost strength of the heart. I think that in student’s life nothing is more difficult then facing course subjects. Some feel difficulty in mathematics or some in others. By observing these difficulties faced by students, today we have something very useful stuff in our box. Today we will be suggesting you all the ways and tricks to deal with your course subject. The students studying digital electronics can find their stuff over here.
Digital electronics also know as Switching Theory & Logic Design is a B.tech subject of 2nd year. This subject deals with the circuits. These circuits are engine of cell phones, MPEG players, digital cameras, computers and very other consumer products that process and use information in a digital format. This subject is for introductory course study in electronics engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering. In 2nd year, digital electronics emphasize more on logic gates concept, their designing concept and methods.
Very first thing to know before starting the subject study is to know about its syllabus and format. UPTU made changes in digital electronics subject this year. Very important change made by UPTU is, this subject now carry only 50 marks which earlier carried 100 marks. Earlier there were 5 units in this subject which is now reduced to 4 units.
First unit deals with Digital system and binary numbers: Signed binary numbers, binary codes.
Gate-level minimization including the map method up to four variable, don’t care conditions, POS simplification, NAND and NOR implementation, Quine Mc-Clusky method (Tabular method).
Second unit deals with Combinational Logic comprising Combinational circuits, analysis procedure, design procedure, binary adder-subtractor, decimal adder, binary multiplier, magnitude comparator, decoders, encoders, multiplexers.
Moving on to third unit dealing with Synchronous Sequential logic which includes Sequential circuits, storage elements: latches, flip flops, analysis of clocked sequential circuits, state reduction and assignments, design procedure.
Asynchronous Sequential logic containing Analysis procedure, circuit with latches, design procedure, reduction of state and flow table, race free state assignment, hazards.
Now the last unit which deals with registers and counters including Shift registers, ripple counter,
Synchronous Counter, other counters.
Memory and programmable logic accommodating RAM ROM, PLA, and PAL.
You can download the detailed syllabus from the link given below:
source: UPTU official site.
As without planning and strategy nothing can be done properly so, after knowing the syllabus, what comes is the strategy to study. As this subject deals with logic gates, designing and operating them, these things requires trick and mental strength. So regular practice is must for this subject which will sharpen your mind to tackle the problem very easily and to overcome the problems. If you practice it regularly you will find this subject more interesting. You will insist yourself to practice this subject but the subject on itself will insist you to practice it.
When it comes on last day study then the precious thing is the list of important topics. Don’t worry we also take care of the one who do last day study.
The important topics are given below:
1. Conversion from binary to decimal and vice versa which include topics as: BCD; epress-3 code, 8421code, 6311 code.
2. Universal gates: NAND gate and NOR gate; designing various gates using universal gates.
3. karnaugh-map or K-map : POS and SOP
4. expressing a Boolean function to sum of minterms
5. Complements: 1’s, 2’s, 9’s and 10’s.
6. addition and subtraction using complements
7. half adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor
8. multiplexers
9. PLA
10. PAL
11. Latch
12. Flip flop
13. ROM: its types
14. synchronous sequential circuits
15. Synchronous circuit…
Now the other thing that comes in to mind is the pattern of the question paper. As now the subject carry only 50 marks so the pattern will obviously change but for your sake I can make you all aware about the previous pattern. For former GBTU, earlier question paper consists of 5 questions. 1st question contains 6 parts of which 4 are compulsory each part carrying 5 marks. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th question comprises 3 parts of which two are compulsory to do carrying 10 marks each. For former MTU, earlier question paper consist of 3 sections, section A, section B and section C. Section A is of 20 marks comprising of 10 questions all are compulsory. Section B contains 5 parts all compulsory and same with section C.
For more detailed study of question paper you can download the previous ear question paper from the link given below:
- http://iengineers.in/assets/paper/UPTU/Digital%20Electronics3RD%20SEM/2009-10.pdf source: www.iengineers.in
- http://www.kopykitab.com/blog/uptu-previous-year-question-papers-b-tech-3rd-semester-digital-electronics-2009-10/
source: www.kopykitab.com
- http://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5Dik0wytECEODhkTDZmNHpCb2s&tid=0B5Dik0wytECEeGdNU2R2OENRRWM
source: www.drive.google.com
Some students are always confused whether to go with theory portion or with numerical and logic gates designing portion. This subject mainly deals with numerical and logic gates designing portion so the one who just want to pass this marks can go with only numerical and logic gates designing portion and other who wants to score good marks can go through with full syllabus.
Now in the end the main stuff is books, selection of books is the most important task as it is the one from which we grasp the knowledge, so the one who wants to grasp more knowledge apart from the syllabus can go through standard books, one of the standard books is
4th edition
By M.Morris Mano and Michael D. cilleti
The above mentioned book is written in simple language with enough questions for practicing and it is written special edition for UPTU containing proper UPTU syllabus and previous year question papers.
Apart from this the one who only wants to concentrate on their syllabus can go through
The book written by P.Raja, it will be sufficient for you to just pass the exams.
So, we made everything possible for you to make your studies easy. Hope information given by us may help you and if you have any query, you can clear it by commenting below..
sir i had a special carry over of eec-302 digital electronics but subject with code changes to nec-304 switching circuit and logic design.How would i be able to give the paper.last time they didn’t allowed me to give paper