A Bharat Sewa Initiative: Bharat Sewa is a non-profit organisation which has been initiated with a vision of building strong India and to help build a socially conscious and equal society with more influential activities.
The recent incidents of crime against women in capital Delhi has actually shocked and threatened the nation at its core. Making stringent laws cannot do much, the need for the hour is to have a weapon every time to stop the crime and to protect ourselves from crime. We have to bring a revolutionary change in the mind-set of every person in the country
Raksha App is a complete women & individual Safety App which has been conceptualized by Meenakshi Lekhi (Member of Parliament) New Delhi. Along with BJP with the contribution of Delhi police.
This app has been developed as a mobile safety tool for every woman and individual. It is developed in such an advanced manner that even if the Raksha App is switched off and isn’t running, pressing the volume key for just three seconds alerts the specific contacts you have chosen beforehand. Your location is sent to them on a map which sends them your exact location. A distress signal just by pressing a single key sends out a loud buzzer to your near and dear ones. Your parents need not worry all the time now. You as a woman need not worry about security.
The app is currently available in Google play store and i-phone version with the below features:
Download Raksha App, Be safe! Be Alert!
Google Play: http://tinyurl.com/mchu53h
I-Phone: http://tinyurl.com/oqh7xxw
Hope that you will like this initiative 🙂
Thanks and Regards,
Team – UPTU Khabar
Ankit Sharma is the creator of UPTU Khabar, which was founded long back in 2011. He has recently co-founded a new venture called Editsoft Digital and UPTU Khabar has been moved under the banner of Editsoft Digital.
Connect with Ankit on Facebook
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