You are a Civil Engineering student and is searching for few best books available in the market for GATE Preparation. Well, you have arrived at the correct place. We at UPTU Khabar takes complete care of your GATE 2015 Preparation. We also provide Previous year question papers, E books, PDF’s , PPT’s for some of the best tips for GATE Preparation. Well, Civil Engineering students , in this post, you will get to know how you can find best books for GATE 2015 Preparation. We will suggest few good books along with their reviews, price, availability and their alternative free options available in the market. We have also broaden our research on the basis of Best Author Books for Civil Engineering for the Purpose of GATE 2015. Below is the table describing above research.
Book | Author | Publisher | Description and Review |
GATE 2015 – Civil EngineeringBuy This Book | GKP | GK Publication | According to the Reviews this is one of the best selling book with Really nice presentation of the subject.Students have also given good rating to the book. |
GATE Tutor 2015 – Civil EngineeringBuy This Book | Prashant Dixit | Arihant Publication | “It is really a good book for GATE in CIVIL ENGG…Chapter wise MCQs are given so it helps me to prepare from the root level..Mixed question are also given with solution to practice…moreover theories are also given in well compacted manner , its helps to revise in short time “ As per the Review by one of the student. |
A Handbook on Civil Engineering Buy This Book | Made Easy | Made Easy Publications | This handbook contains all the FORMULAE and important theoretical aspects of Civil Engineering. It’s a good book for last minutes preparation. |
GATE – Civil Engineering 2015Buy This Book | B Singh | Made Easy Publications | This book basically contains 24 Years Solved Papers with Thorough Explanation. It has averaged rated views in the market. If you are looking for Solved papers for GATE, you can go for this book. |
GATE Civil EngineeringBuy This Book | GKP | GK Publications | Review by a student “Pros: * Excellent book for the preparation of Gate and other competitive exams.. * Fully explained concepts and Solutions.” |
So Above is all the details of few of the best author and publications books available in the market for GATE Preparation. Though the above books are paid and you need to buy them to study from them. But we have also provided an easy option for you to study online through Google’s Book store. Below are the links to few Good Books for Gate Preparation for Civil Engineering Students. You can have a look at them and study it free from there :
- Civil Engineering Hydraulics – Link
- Dictionary of Civil engineering – Link
- Civil Engineering – Objective type – Link
These were few of the best books that were freely available on Google books for Preview read. Let us know what are your reviews on these books. Also, feel free to ask your queries and doubts by commenting below. We shall try to reply you at the earliest.
Thanks and Regards,
Team – UPTU Khabar
Mechanical walo ke liye nhi h kya book
you can refer this book too.
GATE Mentor – 2015 Civil Engineering 1/e by Cengage