Nikky is currently a second year student from EEE branch and has been actively involved in research activities in past also. He has also written a book called “Miracle Minds” covering story of 15 Undergraduate entrepreneurs in India. Also he is entitled as Youngest Indian Scientist. If we keep on discussing about Nikky, words will be less to describe him. Though we have tried to know Nikky through a Video interview. You can have a look at it :
Below is the detailed report about his Invention. Read it and take some great motivation to do great things life.
Report On World’s Smallest fridge:-
Inventor Name- Nikky Kumar JhaCollege Name- GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management.B.Tech (2ndYear)DIMENTIONS:-Length-6cm
Height-8 cm
Practical application:-1. Storing Vaccination
2. Portable
3. Snake catcher can store anti- poison vaccine so it can help on snake bite
4. It can Used for storing Insulin so that Diabetic patient can be helped as one can easily store 4 to 5 vaccine and can take it to anyplace they want…
How and Where Idea Generated:-Idea was originally generated at a award function named SAM(Science Art and Management) AWARD where I was nominated as the awardee held at SRM University Chennai. Their I met amazing people and among them their was a SAM Fellow named Biswa Pratap Jena who is a snake catcher while walking I asked him a question that bro do you carry anti-toxin vaccine with you? He replied there is no such system in which I can carry anti-toxin vaccine and can take to place where I move suddenly an Idea struck in my mind that why not I make a fridge that will carry only 2 or 3 vaccine. I googled for such a fridge their was no such system. I started working on the design from that day and on the same day I made design on the Dinner Table of SRM University, Their all the SAM Fellow, Awardee and Speaker were taking their meal and I was making the design on the Tissue Paper by a pen borrowed by my friend Shiela Ann Smith(Famous Canadian Singer).
Working:-This fridge works on rechargeable battery, electric supply and on Solar energy also. The fridge consists of specially designed heat sink that can store water and circulate water all over the system and causing system to cool down. The heat is expelled to the nature through special exhaust fan that is attached to Heat sink. The entire system works on opposite of seeback effect.
Advantages:-1. Small in size
2. Cheaper than all available fridge
3. Portable
4. Lots of medical application
5. Works on relatively low power
6. Works on Renewable source of energy
7. No environmental pollution sorts of Problem
8. Can be placed anywhere ie in car in first aid kit etc..
9. No technical skills require to operate a layman can easily operate it.
10. Long Life.
My Vision on the productMy intentions behind making this “POCKET FRIDGE-The smallest Fridge” was not just to make money or to be popular. I made it for a noble cause to help the people who needed to carry and port vaccinations… insulin or rather in first aid boxes for quick supply of drugs or anti venoms . It was basically targeted for the middle class society of our country who can easily afford this as it is quite pocket friendly.
I hope this product does a bit what I think it can do for the society.
Nikky Kumar Jha
Inventor, Researcher, Author, Entrepreneur, Teen Expert
Paryavaran ratna Awardee.
So this was the detailed report on Nikky’s Invention. Hope you read and liked it. We would like you to share your views on the same and applause Nikky for this Invention. In case, you have any question about this invention, do leave your comment below. Nikky will personally answer each comment.
Thanks and Regards,
Ankit Sharma
(Editor In Chief – UPTU Khabar)
Ankit Sharma is the creator of UPTU Khabar, which was founded long back in 2011. He has recently co-founded a new venture called Editsoft Digital and UPTU Khabar has been moved under the banner of Editsoft Digital.
Connect with Ankit on Facebook
Hats off!!!!
great work mr. Nikky……
just read this article, its quite amazing…….. 🙂
Hats off!!!!
great work mr. Nikky……
just read this article, its quite amazing…….. 🙂
Thank you………….it is just copy paste
Plz have a look on the dimension and then put your comments. Before making this fridge I watched this type of video thousand times, And also in the report it is clearly written about design of special Heat sink .
Thank you.