GBTU (UPTU) B tech 1st sem (1st year) Result 2014 | B tech odd sem GBTU
It is being informed to all the students that the result for odd semester B tech 1st year, 1st sem have been declared by the university. In case you want to see your result, you can access the link here : GBTU B tech 1st sem result 2014 (odd sem)
In case, you have any query related to result, you can comment below. We shall try to reply you at the earliest.
Thanks and Regards,
Team – UPTU Khabar
Ankit Sharma is the creator of UPTU Khabar, which was founded long back in 2011. He has recently co-founded a new venture called Editsoft Digital and UPTU Khabar has been moved under the banner of Editsoft Digital.
Connect with Ankit on Facebook
mtu 5th sem kb declare hoga.
MTU 1st sem ka result kab ayega……
MTU first sem ka kab aayega
Please tell me when GBTU MBA 1st sem result will come????? It’s urgent please reply ASAP.
no result are being declared or shown of the clleges of lucknow region
1st sem result when decleared